Winter snow fun
Jubilee loves to play in the snow. Happy New Year 2025!
Outing with friends
When a nice weather whispers you to get out to enjoy the nature, what better ways are there than taking a walk with good friends?
Thank you Cathy for being our guest this summer!
Cathy has been a guest to our church this summer. Thank you for being with us. We hope and pray God's grace and truth be abundant in your life everyday!
Conference and retreat
NVCCC's annual joint conference. What a time of blessing it was! Special thanks to leaders.
주빌리 인내심 훈련
바로 코앞에 놓인 음식...그래도 평온함을 지속하고, 먹으라는 지시가 있기까지 잘 참아내는 요놈이 아주 신통하다.
Cousin's wedding
May 28, 2021, Jessica got married!! Congratulations to Kevin and Jessica. When I met her for the first time, she was a cute teenager. And now, what a beautiful bride she is!
I feel so honored and blessed to have shared this wonderful moment with them, and especially to have officiated the wedding ceremony. May God's goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life!
Se's Birthday Celebration!
One more year together. When I met Se for the first time, she was only 25 years old. Thank you for walking with me over 14 years since our marriage. You've been God's lovingkindness that is so close and visible everyday to me.
New member of the family
Jubilee became a new member of our family. He was born in January, 2019 and came to live with us in October. He is a goldendoodle and still acts like a puppy. He has a very strong personality yet knows how to be loved. Welcome Jubilee!
Come, now is the time to worship!
When we worship God, we focus on who God is and what he has done for us. Worship is one of the main ways God reshapes our life according to His character. As we look into God”s worthiness, we become transformed into His image more and more. He is worthy to be praised ever more!