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Winter snow fun

Jubilee loves to play in the snow. Happy New Year 2025!


Outing with friends

When a nice weather whispers you to get out to enjoy the nature, what better ways are there than taking a walk with good friends?


Thank you Cathy for being our guest this summer!

Cathy has been a guest to our church this summer. Thank you for being with us. We hope and pray God's grace and truth be abundant in your life everyday!


Conference and retreat

NVCCC's annual joint conference. What a time of blessing it was! Special thanks to leaders. 


주빌리 인내심 훈련

바로 코앞에 놓인 음식...그래도 평온함을 지속하고, 먹으라는 지시가 있기까지 잘 참아내는 요놈이 아주 신통하다.


Cousin's wedding

May 28, 2021, Jessica got married!! Congratulations to Kevin and Jessica. When I met her for the first time, she was a cute teenager. And now, what a beautiful bride she is!

I feel so honored and blessed to have shared this wonderful moment with them, and especially to have officiated the wedding ceremony. May God's goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life!

Jessica Wedding.jpg

Jubilee Edition

Jubilee has been my photo model. And he's been reluctant, to be honest. However, he's been a good one so far. So, here is a space for his edition.


Spring riding beings!

May all get outside, enjoy outings with loved ones together, and breathe the air freely very soon!


Se's Birthday Celebration!

One more year together. When I met Se for the first time, she was only 25 years old. Thank you for walking with me over 14 years since our marriage. You've been God's lovingkindness that is so close and visible everyday to me. 


Jubilee learning to swim for the first time!

Big waterrrr!!! For the first time in my dog life...and I now know that I can be floating. Yay!


New member of the family

Jubilee became a new member of our family. He was born in January, 2019 and came to live with us in October. He is a goldendoodle and still acts like a puppy. He has a very strong personality yet knows how to be loved. Welcome Jubilee!


Come, now is the time to worship!

When we worship God, we focus on who God is and what he has done for us. Worship is one of the main ways God reshapes our life according to His character. As we look into God”s worthiness, we become transformed into His image more and more. He is worthy to be praised ever more! 


More responsibility, more serving heart!

Congratulations to Se. Se took a new position in AAAS. Higher leadership means serving others in humility, mercy, understanding, and wisdom in bigger capacity. Very proud of her. Let God show His grace and truth through your serving heart!


13th Anniversary

Congrat, Han ans Se. 


Early Feb. of 2019, we celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. What a journey of blessings from the Lord!  A great joy to learn to love and to be loved...

Many. many more years as we look onto Jesus for His coming and His glory. 


Han at Disciples Class

October 21 (Sunday morning), Han delivered a message in his former seminary advisor, Dr. Shaver's class. There were 62 people present that morning.


Kansas City in 15 years

Han visiting Kansas City first time in 15 years after his Nazarene Theological Seminary graduation. He worked as a cashier while in the seminary in this grocery store (pic).


Dinner with the Shavers

Se and Han having dinner with Han's seminary advisor Dr. Shaver and his wife, Nancy in Kansas City


쉐이버 박사님, 멈추지 않는 열정

이제 거의 85세, 그럼에도 불구하고 쉐이버 박사님은 이번 주에도 2500마일이 넘는 거리를 운전하시며 여러 지역 교회에서 복음을 전하신다. 이분의 열정은 아직도 타오르고 있다. 메릴랜드의 볼티모아에서 부흥회를 인도하시기에, 아내와 함께 찾아가 예배후에 점심을 나누었다.


수목원에서의 데이트 One

​거의 3주 이상의 한국 방문을 마치고 돌아 온 첫 주말, 곧바로 아내와 함께 수목원을 찾았다. 다양한 꽃들과 나무들이 가득한 곳에서 데이트를 즐겼다. 아내는 내가 인사동 거리를 거닐 다 선물로 사다 준 스카프를 좋아한다.


아쉬운 이별

한국 방문을 마치는 날, 공항으로 떠나며 어머니와 아쉬운 작별의 인사를 나눈다. 내년에 다시 만날 수 있기를 기대하며...


​나눔의 열매

​지난 6개월 간 미국 법무부 소속 교정원에서 연수를 하고 한국으로 돌아간 원태씨 가족과 함께 즐거운 시간을 나누었다. 미국에서 보낸 시간들이 주마등처럼 머리속을 스친다. 특별히 하나님의 사랑과 인도하심을 마음에 품게 된 그에게 더욱 깊이있고 친밀한 주님과의 만남이 계속되기를 간절히 소망한다.


12th Wedding Anniversary

12 years of unfathomable blessings in my life! The dearest and loveliest girl in the world has been my friend, comforter, supporter, and helper for those years. And I have learned what it means to be loved and to love. All I can say is that GOD IS GOOD and GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

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Wedding Anniversary

Well, it keeps better and better. All because of the marvelous grace of our wonderful Savior!


One more for Jesus

Is there a greater joy than witnessing a young man making a decision to follow Jesus?



At our church's annual Fall retreat...

Time to time, we need to take a break from our hectic life to focus on our spiritual health. A regular retreat is one of many great ways to do that.



특별히 민트 잎새를 활용하진 않지만, 심어 놓으면 잘 자라기에 화단에 그냥 놔두었다. 충분한 물과 땅에 뿌린 거름, 그리고 따사로운 햇살을 만끽이라도 하듯, 거침없이 자라는 민트...


​정기 점검 및 튜닝

모터사이클은 타는 재미도 있지만, 손보고, 고치고, 관리하는 재미도 있다. 엔진 오일, 필터, 에어 클리너, 쉐프트 오일을 교체하다보니, 스파크 플러그까지 갈게 되었다. 얼마 뒤에는 냉각수 플러쉬를 해야겠다. 


Monday Riding

Usually, Mondays are my off days. On a sunny Monday, I enjoyed a very pleasant motorcycle riding to Brunswick, MD as I was stopping by a cafe named "Beans in the Belfry". Due to COVID-19 (and Monday morning, too), few people were there, and the service wasn't that great. But a piece of Berry Blast pie with a cup of coffee was delicious. 



Spring has blossomed!

We planted some tulip seeds last year and now they are all here beautifully dressed! Nothing can be compared to the handiworks of our Heavenly Father.


15 years celebration

15 years! 

All thanks to our good Father.

Each year, each step, grace and mercy, joy and new victories as we learn to love and to be loved. Thank you Se. Thank you Han. and thank you everyone that has been a part of our continuous journey.


The True Joy of Christmas

2020, a very unique year it has been! It's December 25, Christmas. God's message to us is still the same. "I love you: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Merry Christmas

14 years celebration

Thank you Lord for this wonderful journey together for 14 years.

Jubilee's first appearance in our wedding anniversary celebration picture this year.

Thank you everyone!


NVCCC 2019 Leadership Seminars

NVCCC leadership team enjoyed 2019 Autumn leadership seminars this last weekend. A great group of young professionals dedicated to the cause of Jesus Christ. Thank you guys for your time, service, and unity. I love you all!


New Calling to serve God and serve young generation

Han (now Peter in English name) has been called to serve young people at NVCCC (Northern Virginia Chinese Christian Church) as the 1st lead pastor for English speaking congregation. What an honor and privilege to be a pastor of God's people for the cause of Christ! Let the Father's heart flow through your ministry, Peter HanSung Hong.


Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Shaver at the Church of the Nazarene, Levelle, PA.

At 83, Dr. Chic Shaver is still strong! Sharing the grace of God and the life of power and victory in the Holy Spirit through the blood of Christ... What a joy to see him preach!

Han drove 3 hours to see him and Nancy this week (April 1, 2019). Dr. Shaver preached on the victorious Christian life by the power of the Holy Spirit and Mrs. Shaver sang a praise (I give you Jesus) at the evening revival service that night. 

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Se on epigenetics

October 23, Se was at NTS chapel, speaking at "Youth on the Brain" seminar. More than 100 of senior and youth pastors came to hear her. 


Se, eMBA with the Martin J. Sullivan Award

Se finished another degree of Executive MBA with the most prestigious award


Seeing old friends

Han had a great time seeing his old friends, Fran and Larry who shared their love and friendship with Han during Han's seminary period in Kansas City, MO.


On Faith and Science

Se talking about faith and science at a local church in Houston, TX


졸업 축하

미국과학진흥협회의 한 분과 책임자로 분주한 일정을 보내면서도, 지난 1년 반 동안 거의 격주마다 주말에 집중 수업을 받은 아내가 드디어 메릴랜드 대학교 경영대학원에서 최고 경영자 과정을 마치고, 경영학 석사라라는 또 하나의 학위를 받았다. 맛있는 축하 식사 후에 함께 사진을 찍었다.


수목원에서의 데이트 Two

​이미 한국에서는 벗꽃이 저무는 것을 보고 왔는데, 여기는 이제 활짝 웃고 있는 모양이 참 보기 좋다.



늘 마음 편하게 만날 수 있는 좋은 친구. 한국을 떠나기 전에 광균이와 한번 더 의미 있는 시간을 나누었다. 그의 모든 꿈들이 아름답게 이루어지기를 기대한다.



늘 활짝 웃는 친절한 사람은 언제나 만나도 행복한 법이다. 한국 방문 중 미소의 천사 세째 이모가 이사를 했다. 새 아파트에 근처의 가족 친지들이 모여 축하의 자리를 가졌다. 삶의 모든 상황 속에서도 늘 주님이 주시는 기쁨, 평화, 소망, 그리고 풍요가 이모이 가정에 넘치기를 기도한다.


​찬양, 우리의 기도가 음률을 입을 때...

모든 민족들이 다 음악을 통하여 삶을 표현한다. 음악은 주님이 우리에게 주신 선물이다. 이 선물로 우리는 모든 좋은 것을 허락하시는 창조의 하나님을 높인다. 그리고 우리 삶에 펼쳐지는 희노애락을 담아 표출한다. 이스라엘 백성은 그들의 일상과 신앙을 구별하지 않았다. 하나님은 그들의 신앙고백 가운데 계셨다. 그리고 그들의 일상에 계셨다. 우리가 신앙과 삶을 구별하기 시작할 때, 우리는 일상의 음악을 잃게 된다. 하지만 그리스도 안에서 우리의 삶은 하나가 되는 것이다. 즉, 이제는 두 사람이 아닌 한 사람으로 살아가게 되는 것이다.

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